Friday, April 29, 2016


The excessive layer of fat on the stomach is a common issue found in both women and men. The most annoying thing about it is that is easier to gain it than to get rid of it.

Nutritionists usually consider it a result of a so called lazy bowel syndrome, which is actually constipation, and contributes to the fatty deposits to accumulate in the belly, while slowing down the detoxification process and not allowing the organism to purify itself of the toxins we daily feed with.

Burn Stomach Fat

Luckily, nutritionists have found a possible cure for this too. A simple drink, cheap at twice the price,which consists of quite accessible ingredients, such as:

3 lemons;
3 tablespoons of honey;
125 grams of horseradish;
How to prepare it
First of all cut the lemons, put it in blender along with the horseradish and mix it until you get a smooth mixture, then add the honey to it and pour the mixture in a glass jar and keep it in the fridge.

It is recommended to consume two tablespoons of this beverage a day for three weeks.

The health benefits of it
Taking regard that is anall natural remedy, each of the ingredients it consists of carries various healthy properties found beneficial for treating and preventing numerous diseases and conditions.

Let’s take horseradish for example. This vegetable is known to have ten times more Glucosionlates than broccoli, meaning that you don’t need only a bit of it to satisfy the expected goals.

These Glucosinolates, also known as ArmoraciaRusticana are known to enhance the body’s resistance to numerous diseases including cancer, while at the same time removing the toxins out of the body.

Being a powerful antioxidant, it can also help relieve sinus and respiratory conditions. In addition, it is a powerful antibiotic, which helps to strengthen the organism, able to fight against fungi and bacteria.

When speaking about the health benefits of lemon we shouldn’t forget to mention its acidic flavor, which contributes to the alkaline environment in the body.

Lemon is actually considered and included in the list of world’s best foods. Mainly known for the high quantities of vitamin C, it does wonders in boosting the immune system.

The tangeretin, a phytonutrient, present in the peel can be found effective in treating brain disorders such as Parkinson’s disease.

Honey, another God blessed natural gift, is extremely rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that reduce the cardiovascular diseases and can reduce the risk of cancer.

Also, otherresearch has proven that honey is beneficial for treating bacterial gastroenteritis and ulcers. It strengthens the organism, relieves coughs, and especially nocturnal cough.

Consuming this remedy only will not help you get rid the belly fat if at the same time you don’t take care of the overall nutrition.

You should paralelly stick to a healthier diet plan and especially during the winter period when the physical activity decreases.

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